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Packaging Design

Best in New Food and Beverage Packaging May 2023

Article-Best in New Food and Beverage Packaging May 2023

Danone North America Danone-Light-Fit-Combo-770x400.png
Wine's molecular label, PFAS in the news, Walker's "bagless" snack multipacks, KickStand cocktails, Nestlé's flexible recycling venture in Mexico, Danone North America Light + Fit brand redesign (shown).

Food and beverage brands constantly launch new products and new packages, many of which are posted to social media — if you can find them. Packaging Digest highlights the best of them on a regular basis, with the most recent “find” at the beginning. This content archives the Best in Food & Beverage Packaging from May 20123. You'll find the "live" stream for the current month here: Best in Food & Beverage Packaging

May's bests include wine’s  “molecular” label design, Walker's "bagless" snack multipacks, Danone North America Light + Fit brand redesign, Nestlé's flexible recycling venture in Mexico, Bud Light and Budweiser to temporarily redesign beer packaging sans trans graphics, D.G. Yuengling & Son’s beer in limited-edition camo cans,  Minute Maid's new global rebrand, alternative packaging for wine, QR-code enabling recipes on food packaging, nano-sensor nabling food safety technology, BASF unwraps compostable paper-based food packaging, Jolly Rancher Gummies street art, Skittles' pride packs, pasta maker adapts film made from advanced recycling.

Wine’s  “molecular” label design may spark chemistry class memories.

Swedish NGO identifies top 12 PFAS producers and estimates annual societal costs related to PFAS pollution as 16 trillion euros.

Note: See related item two posts below.

Walkers introduces “bagless” multipacks using tape for Snack A Jacks in Tesco trial.

Michigan bill bans PFAS in food packaging.

KickStand Cocktails cans go dark for shelf impact.

Greenback Earth opens advanced recycling plant for flexible packaging in Mexico with Nestlé that leverages Enval Ltd. microwave technology.

Researchers create a biodegradable film using leftover pineapple stems.

Migros’ new coffee machine uses compostable coffee balls made of compressed coffee covered with a thin algae film.

Comparing industrial and backyard composting.

Edible packaging film from pea protein.

Standlee’s updated horse food packaging design conveys a premium experience and optimized nutritional wellness with bold new graphics and a clean, timeless look

Stora Enso report identifies 13 ways companies can impact the food packaging value chain.

America's thirst for bottled water continues to grow.

Digital inkjet printing report highlights candy, whiskey brands using the technology.

Partially bio-based resin enables recyclable food packaging.

Danone North America Light + Fit brand's restaging includes new packaging in more of the brand's preferred purple color

Peer-reviewed study of chemicals that migrate in plastic food packaging.

New film for biodegradable food packaging.

Seagrams Escapes enters market in black-dominated packaging design.

Sharp-looking gin pouch with a pour fitment is recycled.

Dulce Vida Tequila launches ready-to-drink cocktails in Tetra Pak Aseptic 1000 Square cartons.

Bud Light, Budweiser to temporarily redesign beer packaging following the Dylan Mulvaney crisis.

The “dye” has been cast: California bill would ban Skittles.

Packaging Digest’s latest Food & Beverage Packaging Newsletter.

A bright future for nanotechnology in food packaging.

Report implies that plastic packaging has a significant impact on fresh food waste.

New embossed bottle design for Glendalough Wild Botanical and Wild Rose Gins evokes the area’s landscape.

SABIC, Estiko Packaging Solutions, and Coldwater Prawns of Norway team up to introduce flexible packaging made with made with 60% ocean-bound plastic.

NextLooPP food-grade polypropylene recycling scheme that reduces carbon footprint dramatically more than PET is coming to US.

A better "whey" to make biopolymers? Dairy’s cheesy bioplastic project.

Aseptic packaging market growing at an 11% yearly clip.

Pernod Ricard acquires minority stake in EcoSpirits, with which the brand is is trialing a closed-loop packaging concept in Asia.

Paper cans of sangria make a splash in the US with more retailers accepting the distinctively packaged products.

Trays for cooked meat now at Tesco in the UK are made of thermoformable PaperLite paper packaging.

D.G. Yuengling & Son’s beer in limited-edition camo cans packaging supports military veterans.

Color-changing biodegradable food packaging can alert consumers to spoilage.

Budweiser is printing a mini music magazine inside 12-packs in Colombia.

New SqueezPOD hybrid bottle-pouch for food products results from a Winpak and Aisa partnership.

Sugarcane packaging market is growing 13.3% yearly.

Nova Chemicals and Pregis partnered to develop flexible food packaging made of recycled polyethylene.

Latest Packaging Digest Food & Beverage Packaging newsletter with Good Cup, Jolly Rancher Street Art, Prana Organic’s pouch packing upgrade, and more.

UPM Specialty Papers co-creates a sustainable, fiber-based sack suitable for pet food applications with industrial sack manufacturer Fiorini Packaging.

Minute Maid unveils a global rebrand.

Alternative packaging for wine.

Engaging food for thought: QR code on food packaging links to recipes.

Modern food safety: Researchers combining nano-sensor technology, food packaging for foodborne bacteria detection.

Gummies pouches are pairing with a vibrant new look in three limited-edition street art series.

ExxonMobil, Cyclyx, Sealed Air, and Ahold Delhaize USA demo advanced recycling for plastic waste with plans for scaling.

Skittles debuts LGBTQ artists on limited-edition packs.

BASF unwraps compostable paper-based food packaging.

Chemical company, pasta maker partner to produce sustainable packaging using advanced recycling.

Constellation Brands targets more circular beverage packaging by 2025.

Absolut and Ocean Spray collabration includes juiced-up canned drinks.

Hochwald enters plant-based segment with Bӓrenmarke oat beverages in innovative SIG Vita carton packaging.

Jim Beam rolls out new global visual identity with a new and whiter packaging design that accompanies the brand’s new “People Are Good For You” media campaign.

Twist-wrap market for sweets and other products is growing at a 5.5% CAGR.

UK retailer Marks & Spencer introduces new recylable packaging for rice and grain products.




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