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Fortress Technology Unveils Labor-Saving Halo

Article-Fortress Technology Unveils Labor-Saving Halo

Image courtesy of Fortress Technology Halo_Tester_FORTRESS.jpg
Saves processors and packing plants time, money, and operational costs

Designed to boost productivity and reduce labor, the latest version of Halo automated testing technology saves meat processors and packing plants time, money and other operational costs.

Available on the company’s full range of digital metal detectors, including pipeline systems for high-viscosity meat and poultry applications, Halo automates the testing process without interrupting production. Ensuring food safety and quality control standards are consistently met.

Manually passing test samples through the exact center of a standard pipeline aperture where the signal is the least sensitive and retrieving them is one of the greatest challenges and drain on labor for meat and poultry processors. Typically performed hourly and at the start and end of every shift, the time spent running and documenting tests on every line where a metal detector is installed can cost a business over several thousand dollars a month per line in machine downtime and human resources.

Additionally, these repeatable tests are virtually impossible to perform accurately in pipeline systems, which can result in data records showing inconsistent signal variations.

Complying with the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) production standards, the Halo software program mimics the signal disturbance in the least sensitive position in the aperture. Without having to physically pass a metal contaminant through the metal detector or flush out a sample. In addition to reducing operational costs, automated testing also reduces waste and product rework.

Production doesn’t stop while each test is in progress. The line will only halt if the metal detector or reject checks fail. Validated test results are automatically logged and digitally saved for a GFSI audit.

Utilizing Industry 4.0 principles, users determine how often the Halo system completes QC tests and how the validated test data is digitally saved for audit purposes. Tests and records can be activated automatically, remotely or manually via a sophisticated and easy-to-use, single swipe touchscreen HMI.

Fortress Technology, Toronto, ON, Canada 416-752-2898

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