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Packaging Design

Unexpected Whiskey Packaging is for the Birds

Video-Unexpected Whiskey Packaging is for the Birds

Limited-edition packaging of a singular “caged” bottle that supports conservation provides the customer a premium whiskey and a copper bird feeder.

You should know that my family members are all bird enthusiasts. There are currently five bird feeders in the backyard — the least we’ve had for months— and the obligatory birdbath.

Which only partly explains why, when I came across this packaging yesterday I paused, smiled, and took a closer look.

When is a whiskey bottle not just a bottle? Answer: When it’s packaged inside a beautifully designed, copper bird feeder.

Even if you’re not nuts about birds, but are about packaging, you’ll want to check it out, too. The one-of-a-kind, limited-edition Project Wingman Bird Feeder resulted from a collaboration between Redbreast Irish Whiskey and nature conservation group BirdLife.

Here are highlights for one of the most unexpected packaging efforts we’ve seen…

  • The copper bird feeder “shell” has a herringbone pattern that partially obscures the bottle to further heighten interest.
  • The Redbreast name, logo and whiskey description are laser-etched onto the front that functions as a distinctive label.
  • A leather strap extends across the top of the bottle to anchor it firmly within the feeder.
  • The bottle retails online for 70 Euros, with 3 Euros going to charity for each bird feeder bottle sold; the brand’s website reports aiming to raise €70,000.
  • The packaging is credited to designer Nude Brand Creation and manufacturer GPA Global.

The design is in perfect harmony with the brand, which was named after the robin redbreast in 1912.

I’ll wind things down with another question: How is the bottle removed from the feeder?

Because we don’t want to reveal more, that’s answered in the well-made video. It’s hosted by Sabine Lenz of Paper Specs, who provides an expert look of all the wonderful packaging details.

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